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What's in your box ?

Your Personalized Shopping Experience





lower cost per new customer

higher conversion rate for site visitors

increase in subscription opt-in



Libertas is an innovative underwear online store designed to help female find the fittest underwear for every occasion. Libertas not only provides regular online purchase experience of underwear, as well as reproduces a virtual shopping experience as in a real store so that customers can enjoy shopping at home during COVID-19 pandemic. Libertas Box lets fashion stylists curate your personal underwear style for every occasion.

Libertas promotes INCLUSIVE, FREEDOM, SELF-LOVE for all generations of females. Whatever it is and whoever you are, WE’RE IN, FOR ALL OF IT.

My Role

User research, Market research

A/B testing


Responsive UI design


Pen & Paper, Adobe XD, Miro, Powerpoint


1)   Create responsive UI design which promotes brand concepts.

2)   Provide inclusive shopping service to ensure females from all generations can enjoy.

3)   Design a seamless online shopping experience that fashion stylists will curate your personalized style.

Design process & Timeline

Project Overview


User Personas

During user research, I conducted interviews with 5 participants. I focused on understanding users’ behaviors, needs, and motivations through observation techniques and task analysis. 

The communication with participants helped me gain the insights and create the following 3 personas.

Competitive Analysis

Keeping the observations that obtained from user interviews, I started to venture out and see our competitors’ features and what user goals they were not reaching. The majority of the features among competitors were very similar, however I observed two market gaps that are currently under-serviced.

Market Gap

- Size Inclusivenss

- Styling consult

User Journey Map

Based on the observations from user research, I created a user journey map to figure out how users interact with the product.

Site Map

Based on the observations from user research, competitive analysis, and through a set of ideation, I have constructed a sitemap that addresses users’ needs.



P & P Wireframes

Before moving onto high fidelity wireframes and mocks, I wanted to get a feel for what the core of the website would look like when put in front of me.


After sketching out some P&P wireframes and thinking through the preliminary flow, I reviewed what was necessary, unnecessary , and what areas needed improvement. I poured a lot of time into this step to make sure I had the finishing touches on the underlying UX before moving onto the visuals.

High-Fidelity Design

Based on usability testing and final decisions, I started working on the visual design of Libertas website. My aim is to create a user-friendly design that makes users engaging, as well as conveys Libertas' brand concepts. Prototype here.


During user research, I was aware that most of the users get annoyed by too much campaign advertisement on the home page, which is distracted and impedes users from searching for the products they really want. Hence I strived to keep things simple and inspiring to help users simply navigate to their goals.

Meanwhile, I also made effort to inclusiveness to make sure females with every body type and every band size can find their fittest underwear.


One of the insights I achieved from the user research is that most of the users experience a hard time looking for their fittest underwear since there are various products provided on the website. Users usually spend a long time comparing the products but still not sure which style to choose.

Libertas Box helps you solve this problem by only answering a few questions regarding your preference, fashion stylists will help curate a set of underwear for you. Feel free to talk to us and return the products that you are not into.


Answer 5 questions, then wait for the Libertas Box curated by fashion stylists JUST FOR YOU.


You can check your size from both the home page and product page. Check it out whenever you want.




A / B Testing

During the usability testing, I have received some feedback from participants that there are too many steps in answering Libertas Box questions. Since those 5 questions are indispensable for fashion stylists to curate the box, instead of removing questions, I created a variant version to display all 5 questions on a single page. In order to prove if it could optimize user experience, I conducted A/B testing to see how users feedback are.

I invited 8 participants to test the control and variation. As a result, 7 out of 8 (87.5%) participants prefer the variant version of scrolling the page instead of page transition. Less steps helps optimize the user experience in this case.



Evaluation & Iteration


Style Guide


Simplicity always wins for decision-making

Cognitive fluency is the human tendency to prefer things that are not only familiar but also easy to understand. Companies try to provide many details of their products to help customers make decisions. However, sometimes that information might make customers more confused about what to choose. As the observations from my user research, most of our female users had some difficulties finding the fittest underwear for themselves from various products and details. In other words, what to provide and how to provide matters in customers' decision-making. Hence I would like to conduct another round of user research to find out what information play decisive roles in purchasing behavior of underwear, and to apply the observations for design iteration.

Future Steps


Design Thinking

During the Libertas case study, I have met some difficulties on how to approach to the solution after understanding users’ pain points. I came up with lots of ideas during ideation phase, but it took me a long time to analyze feasibility of each idea, and the visualization of those ideas as prototype. Besides observing more interaction designs to enhance the background, I would like to learn more about cognitive modeling methods such as Human processor model to enhance my understanding of design thinking to solve pain points.

Here For It

Females are still facing with lots of stereotypes, prejudice, constraints even at the present day. As a UX designer, I hope not only I could design commercial products for females such as Libertas, but the products that inspiring and engaging as a force for all the females. Hope all the females could shine brightly in their lives. ❤️

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